Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why I visited the Columbarium

My interest about the Columbarium was peeked when I learned about the Cemetery relocation in San Francisco in the 1930s. When I found out a piece of Odd Fellows Cemetery still remained I was hooked. I'm a little bit morbid and was curious to see the cremated urns of San Franciscans from over 100 years ago. I had read an up on the site before deciding to visit and read that people really enjoyed the Emmitt Watson's tour, so I called to see when the tours were. I must admit it took the Columbarium a few days for the Columbarium to return my call, but it was worth it. Besides once I visited the Columbarium I found the staff to be genuine and courteous. They take pride in their work and it shows in every hello, smile, and gesture.

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