Thursday, November 19, 2009

Getting There

Google maps estimated that it would take 45 minutes to an hour and a half to arrive at the Columbarium. My Aunt and I left at 10:30 am to fill up on gas and we're on our way by 10:45 am. The drive only took us about 45 minutes and put us at the site at 11:30am. The tour didn't start until 1 pm, so we walked down Geary in search of lunch. We ate at The Coffee Break Cafe, a lovely cafe that makes scrumptious Sandwiches, pastries, and coffee. We headed back to the Columbarium at about 12:30 pm to arrive on time for our tour. We stepped into the Columbarium office at 5 minutes to 1 and waited for our tour guide. The office was sweet; literally, there was a bowl of sugar high candies, a machine that made coffee, tea, hot coco, equipped with creamer, whip cream, and all sorts of free goodies. I helped myself to a few sour straws. Emmitt Watson, our tour guide, entered 10 minutes after us and informed us that the rest of our group would be a little late. The tour was delayed until 1:30pm, when 10 senior citizens entered and we were seated in the middle of the first floor. Emmitt began the tour by telling the history of the Columbarium, while passing around a black and white photo of the original Odd Fellows Cemetery. He then explained his personal history with the Columbarium.

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